Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Charisma Stance

This simple NLP technique will help you to increase your Charisma Quotient.

You've probably heard of the mind-body connection. The mind affects the body and the body affects the mind. Your mental and emotional states can heal your body or make it very sick. They can even kill you. This is why stress reduction is so important. It has been estimated that about 70% of illness is related to excess stress, which is why it is so important to reduce it. If you haven't done so already, please read the chapter on stress reduction.

You've already experienced the effects of the body on your mental and emotional well-being. When you're sick, you can experience a range of feelings and thoughts. They might include depression, self-doubt, fear, self-pity and so on. When you're sick, you might also have trouble thinking clearly. Focusing can become extremely difficult.

This is one of the reasons why it is so important to use your body to help increase your charisma.

Fortunately, this is easy to do. No, really. It's quite simple. Here's how:

Imagine that you already have a lot of charisma and that people respond to you in positive ways. Get into the experience. See what you would see. Feel what you would feel. Hear would people would say to you, and what you would say to yourself. Experience the magic.

How would you sit or stand if you were filled with that magic something? Assume that position. Would your back be straighter? Your stance a little wider? Is your head held high? Whatever body position you think you might have if you were a highly magnetic person, get into it.

Try it now. I'll wait while you get into position.

How do you feel? Can you feel more charismatic? If not, you haven't really adjusted your body yet, at least not into a charismatic position.  Please try it now and be aware of your thoughts, and most of all, your emotions and body sensations.

If it's safe and appropriate to do so, walk around in the way you think you would if you had charisma.

Now, smile. Smiling actually makes you feel happier. Don't believe me? Try it out. You will feel better because of the mind-body connection.

Are you smiling? Feel a little or a lot happier?

You're welcome.

Now, any time you want to feel more charismatic, just assume the position.

Happy people are more charismatic. Don't believe me? Try spending some time with someone who is angry and bitter. Definitely a turn off.

So practice smiling and assuming the charismatic position, whatever it is for you, several times a day. Eventually, it will become habitual and will start affecting you and the people around you.

Please note that your particular way of using your physiology to feel more charismatic may change from time to time. If that  happens, go with it. This technique is meant to be a tool to free you, not a chain to bind you.

Adapted from the upcoming book, Instant Charisma, by Danek S. Kaus.

Tags: Charisma, NLP, NeuroLinguistic Programming

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